Alabama DUI Handbook

New! Alabama DUI Defense: The Law and Practice, Fifth Edition Order Now!
by John T. Kirk Patrick Mahaney Whitney Polson and James Nesci

For even the most experienced attorney admitted to practice in the state of Alabama, defending a DUI case has always presented special challenges. Today, mounting a successful defense is more difficult than ever. But now you have the advantage with Alabama DUI Defense: The Law and Practice, 5th Edition. This text and supplementary DVD contains the most important and up-to-date information to help you attain a successful verdict.

Written by John T. Kirk, Patrick Mahaney, Whitney Polson, and James Nesci, all members of the prestigious National College for DUI Defense, Alabama DUI Defense: The Law and Practice, 5th Edition ensures that you have the most current materials dealing with the scientific and technological concepts and information available to successfully defend a DUI case in the state of Alabama. The authors provide the most recent and most relevant information available in the key areas of DUI law and practice including: DUI investigations, Field Sobriety Testing, Drug Recognition Evaluation, Blood and Breath Testing, Blood Alcohol Calculations, Pre-Trial Motions and Practice, Trial Practice, Sentencing and Probation, and much, much more!

The 5th Edition is expanded from the previous edition and includes over 200 additional cases, new sections on lawyer advertising, marketing, and use of social media for law practice, newly developed science and technology for testing blood and other substances to include liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, blood testing for drugs, Alabama breath test protocol, field sobriety testing (2013 and 2015 SFST Manuals), blood and breath testing uncertainty, boating under the influence and related offenses, the most current Alabama statutory law, and much more, making this text the single most important book to have with you during all phases of a DUI case, from the initial client call to your of ce to the conclusion of the trial phase. The 5th Edition also has three new sub-sections: dealing with the military client, admissibility into Canada, and accident investigation for attorneys.

Many practical tips and text notes are included throughout the book to assist the attorney in preparing and presenting an effective defense. Included on the bonus DVD are practice forms and motions specifically keyed to Alabama law that will greatly assist the busy defense attorney, so you can locate, review, and print them out in a matter of seconds. The bonus DVD included with the Fifth Edition contains all new material, including the NHTSA 2013 and 2015 SFST and DRE Manuals, studies, articles, and visual detection videos.

Included are the NHTSA Student and Instructor Manuals for 2013 & 2015, the DRE pre-School & DRE School Manuals, and the ARIDE for 2013—the latest edition from NHTSA! Some vendors sell these together for $500 or more. They are all included on the 5th edition DVD at no extra charge!

Lawyers & Judges has published twenty state-specific DUI defense reference books. A practitioner in Colorado raved in the Colorado Lawyer that Colorado DUI Defense: The Law and Practice is “a must-have resource” and would make “a nice gift for the lawyers in your life who practice DUI defense.” The Wisconsin Lawyer reviewer gave Wisconsin OWI Defense: The Law and Practice a touchdown review, calling the book “the best book I have read pertaining to Wisconsin operating-while-intoxicated (OWI) law, and one of the best in dealing with the substance of OWI law.”

Book Topics Include:

  • New! Chapter 1: Lawyer Advertising
  • Updated! Chapter 2: Client Relations
  • Updated! Chapter 3: Driving and Boating Under the Influence & Related Statutes
  • Updated! Chapter 4: Driver License Law
  • Updated! Chapter 5: Pre-Trial Investigations
  • Updated! Chapter 6: Pre-Trial Motion Practice
  • Updated Chapter 7: Plea Offers, Collateral Consequences, & Sentencing
  • Updated! Chapter 8: Trial
  • Updated! Chapter 9: DUI Investigations: Driving, Boating and Field Sobriety Testing
  • Updated! Chapter 10: Drug Recognition Evaluation
  • Updated! Chapter 11: Chemical Testing
  • Updated! Chapter 12: Blood Alcohol Calculations for Attorneys
  • Updated! Chapter 13: Expert Witnesses
  • Updated! Chapter 14: DUI Jury Trial Warpack
  • Table of Contents

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